For the better part of this week, I worked on collection that I was tasked with cataloguing. As you may remember, last week I worked on cataloguing a singular item and learned the Past Perfect system. This week, I worked on cataloging a series of items that were donated in the honor of Ruby Smeltzer. These included: A vaporizer, a chamber pot, an old urinal, a wash basin, and an old wheelchair.
I did copious amounts of research, in order to best understand what these objects were, where they were made, and any other pertinent information. When classifying these objects, I find a lot information to put into Past Perfect. When classifying objects, you want to find as much information as possible, so your entry is accurate and helpful.
These items once belonged to Ruby Smeltzer, as previously mentioned. She was the donor's great aunt. She had spina bifida and spent many years in the donated wheelchair. She did walk at some points of her life, but relied heavily on the wheelchair.
I finished this assignment a little sooner than was expected of me, so I was given other tasks to work on for Thursday (September 13th).
When Thursday came around, many people were busy with the Clark House. There is an upcoming event and they are trying to finish some of their renovations in time for the event.
In the meantime, I did some library work in the Helman library. First I organized the cemetery records on the shelf. They weren't in any particular order and had become a bit of a mess over time. I ended up alphabetizing the records -- putting the ones from the county on one shelf, and the others on a different shelf.
After this was completed, I was shown the filing cabinets with all the surnames. I was given the task, over the course of the semester, to look through the files -- straightening up the files, finding missing folders, and taking out bookmarks that aren't in use. I look forward to whatever new and exciting projects await me next week!