This week I feel refreshed and recharged after a week long break. In terms of the off-site hours assignment, I decided against doing it. I do not have access to the resources I would need from my home, in addition to not having a lot of free time. I spent a good majority of my break working on other assignments that needed to be done.
At the beginning of this week I worked on my exhibit proposal and filed some more. My exhibit proposal is currently about half done, I just need to do some technical drawings and such for the signage and I should be good to go.
The items I catalogued before break still had yet to be moved, but I had to wait until the end of the week to move them. The HGSIC was also closed during Thanksgiving break — meaning it was very busy when I came back. When there was finally a brief moment of calm, I asked several questions about the exhibit brief and when would be good to move the items.
When that time finally came around, we were still a little busy. First I moved the items out to the Helman Library (the research area) so it would be easier to grab all the items. I also grabbed my smaller notebook (with my list) to take with me so I could mark the locations of the items as I put them in their rightful places.
This time around, moving the items took almost no time at all. I now have more of familiarity of where items go, in addition to being familiar with the proper way to do these types of things — such as making sure no parts of the fabric are touching or using gloves so your hands do not transfer oil onto the object you are working with.
By the end of the week, I decided that I wanted to try cataloging one more group of items before I finished my internship. There is currently several Home Depot boxes with items such as hats and purses. They are all from the same donation and even came with a list of descriptions, measurements and many other things I would normally spend time researching. This definitely is going much faster than most of the cataloging has been. By the time I was finish with my shift, I had already gotten through almost half of the items.
(Some of the items I am working with, in addition to the many boxes containing the items)
I imagine the rest of the cataloging will go relatively fast, leaving me with a small amount of time before the internship is over. I look forward to finishing this semester and graduating, but I will also miss the HGSIC. Earlier in the semester I grabbed a volunteer form for next semester — and intend to volunteer if my schedule permits it!