This is my final week at the historical society! To start off this week, I continued to work on the collection of hats and handbags. The list provided with descriptions of each item really makes the work go a lot faster.
I finally finished cataloging all the items and proceeded to move the boxes of hats/handbags over to the Clark House. Although they will ultimately come back over to the Armory at some point, for the sake of organizing the space, they will go over to the Clark House for now. In the future, the HGSIC intends on moving a lot of the textiles/clothing back over to the Armory to better preserve them, but first it is necessary to make room for them -- even if that requires some shifting around.
As a sort of 'reward', Jonathan took me up into the attic of the Clark House, showing me the what would have been the slave quarters and the tower. It was pretty terrifying and thrilling to me -- as I am afraid of heights.
Overall it was an interesting experience, especially due to my interest in interior design and architecture. Old houses are really amazing to look at and imagine the everyday lives of those who lived there in the past.
I additionally asked to see the one Christmas tree in the Clark House -- I always see it when I walk past the Clark House and I always thought it looked beautiful and really wanted to see it up close. Jonathan was more than willing to let me take a peek and a picture :)
As I finished that box of hats/shoes/purses, I did not want to start another pile of stuff,only to not have time to finish it. I cataloged two pieces of artwork that were sitting around and waiting to be input to the Past Perfect system.
As the week comes to an end, I have finished up my exhibit proposal.[pictures] It took some research, but the aim of the exhibit is to inspire holiday spirit and encourage people to learn more about Christmas through Indiana County.
On my final day, I turned both my exhibit proposal and my time sheet in to Jonathan. A large part of me will miss the historical society. I love all the researching and getting to meet all the different people that come in and hearing some of their stories. I actually enjoy it here so much that I picked up a volunteer form for next semester -- should my schedule permit me the time to volunteer. Overall, the internship gave me a greater appreciation for history and has opened up new avenues for my future career choice. The Stephenson Room has seen some progress but is still a little messy -- I hope to volunteer more next semester and get it more organized!